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Hey there, Debs here.

Welcome to my blog, "Debs' Watchlist," where I share all the movies, shows, books, and music that I'm keeping an eye on. Here, you'll be able to find my honest thoughts on not only pop culture trends, but also lesser-known indie works. Hopefully you'll find something new or interesting here to add to your watchlist!

A little bit about me...

I'm a millennial twenty-something American-born Taiwanese who currently lives in Chi-town. By day, I'm getting my masters degree, and by night, I'm multi-tasking with homework and being a pro Netflix binger, book hoarder, and karaoke lover. I also have my own podcast on movies and TV because I just can't seem to stop talking about this stuff 😁 (but given how busy school is, the podcast is on a temporary hiatus.) Other things I'm passionate about are statement headbands, fluffy dogs, walks by the water, doodling, and sweets. Lots of sweets. The people I love the most are my family and my friends, especially those who still agree to be my movie buddy, even after some regrettable film choices 😬

I love making new friends, so I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to drop me a line below about what's on your watchlist or whatever's on your mind. ✌🏻 

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